An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 5 DP: 260390, 115 Mount View Close Razorback
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing culverts and associated retaining structures within Racecourse Creek. Existing culverts located partly within adjoining land will be retained. Construction of a bridge crossing over Racecourse Creek, comprising a precast concrete deck and beam structure supported by six piers and retaining walls. Construction of a sealed int…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 5 DP: 260390, 115 Mount View Close RAZORBACK
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing culverts and associated retaining structures within Racecourse Creek and construction of a 24 m long bridge crossing over Racecourse Creek, comprising a precast concrete deck and beam structure supported by six piers and retaining walls. Upgrade existing driveway include sealing, alterations to existing batters and provision…
This application is being re-advertised as amended plans have been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 12 DP: 734907, 1458 Burragorang Road Oakdale
For the purposes of
Alterations & additions to caravan park - create 39 long term and 2 short term sites, ancillary works and facilities
Coast & Country Developments Pty Limited
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development unde…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 2 DP: 548240, 85 Bridge Street Picton
For the purposes of
Clearing of existing vegetation and erection of rural industrial building for the purposes of a rural industry (sawmill/log processing facility)
Precise Planning
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Asse…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 118 DP: 280028, 1 Greenbridge Drive WILTON
For the purposes of
Alterations & additions to existing retail tenancy; addition of mezzanine level & basement carpark
Mr A El-Hazouri
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Approval for the…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 2 DP: 920876, 70 Tickle Drive Thirlmere
For the purposes of
Section 8.2 review of the determination of DA/2017/652/1 for 11 lot subdivision, filling of dam, road construction and associated works
Rein Warry & Co
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 972 DP: 1280874, 15 Greenway Parade WILTON
For the purposes of
Construction of a single-storey medical centre comprising five (5) consult rooms, a treatment room, pathology room, waiting area, office spaces and admin/ reception area, new car parking area comprising ten (10) spaces (including one (1) accessible parking space), one (1) on-site service/ambulance bay, two (2) external signage zones and associated…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 3 DP: 249648, 150 Rapleys Loop Road WEROMBI
For the purposes of
Two lot Torrens title subdivision and associated demolition, vegetation removal and earthworks
Mrs R A Silva & Mr B A Silva
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Approval f…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 3 DP: 9803, 60 Great Southern Road BARGO
For the purposes of
Proposed continued use of the site as a function centre with associated tourist and visitor accommodation and associated works
Miss A J Barnes
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 350 DP: 9278, 103 Remembrance Driveway Tahmoor
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new boarding house
Mr T Parmakellis
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Approval for the proposed development is requi…
More than half of Wollondilly’s population lives in rural and rural-residential areas, where Sydney Water’s sewer system is unavailable. As such, there are over 8000 on-site sewage management systems installed in the Shire.
Most of these systems are septic tanks and aerated wastewater treatment systems (AWTS). Other types of systems include pump-outs, mounds, reed beds, sand filters, biological filtration systems and wet composting units.
Septic Tanks provide anaerobic (‘without oxygen’) treat…
More than half of Wollondilly’s population lives in rural and rural-residential areas, where Sydney Water’s sewer system is unavailable. As such, there are over 8000 on-site sewage management systems installed in the Shire.
Most of these systems are septic tanks and aerated wastewater treatment systems (AWTS). Other types of systems include pump-outs, mounds, reed beds, sand filters, biological filtration systems and wet composting units.
Septic Tanks provide anaerobic (‘without oxygen’) treat…
Working on a Public Road
Section 138 of the Roads Act (NSW) requires that all work or activities undertaken within road reserves must have the Road Authorities consent prior to the work being undertaken.
All persons, companies or other authorities must obtain approval prior to starting work. In some cases a service authority may have exception under the Roads Act or agreements in place with Council. These exemptions and agreements are generally related to road occupancy and minor road opening w…
Applications Approved in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Clause 124 of the Regulation, Notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted. Any public submissions received were carefully considered by Wollondilly Shire Council as part of the assessment of the subject application. Details of the applications and a copy of the consent together with any conditions attached is available for public v…
Read more about "Public Exhibition - December 2020 Applications Approved"...March 2021 Applications ApprovedApplications Approved in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Clause 124 of the Regulation.
Notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted. Any public submissions received were carefully considered by Wollondilly Shire Council as part of the assessment of the subject application. Details of the applications and a copy of the consent together with any conditions a…
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Frog and Tadpole Study Group Talk
Composting and Worm Farming Workshop
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Winners
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced