Wollondilly Shire Council has received an offer to amend the Bingara Gorge Planning Agreement No. 2 in relation to land in the Bingara Gorge Development at Wilton.
The Draft Planning Agreement Amendment has been prepared under Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (The Act) and provides for the following:
1. Monetary contributions – Pro-rata and lump-sum payments to be paid with the relevant Subdivision Certificate for a residential allotment.
2. Dedication of lan…
In a move that would help address Sydney’s housing crisis while stimulating the local economy, Wollondilly Shire Council has put Wollondilly forward as the ideal new home for the Australian Turf Club (ATC) if Rosehill Racecourse is relocated to make way for housing.
In light of recent discussions on the potential redevelopment of the Rosehill Gardens site for up to 25,000 homes, Council is writing to the Premier and the ATC inviting them to explore the feasibility and benefits of relocating to…
Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould has welcomed the decision of the Strategic Planning Panel of the Sydney Western City to not proceed with a Planning Proposal at Brooks Point Road, Appin without the infrastructure plan in place.
In considering the request for a Rezoning Review, the Panel recognised the issues identified by Council staff, the Local Planning Panel and the decisions of the Council, and supported the need for fully funded infrastructure before rezoning.
Mayor Gould noted, “I am pleased…
Responding to today’s announcement by NSW Premier Chris Minns which ties $200 million in funding to councils based on meeting and exceeding new housing targets, Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould has reaffirmed Council’s position that infrastructure must come before development.
Wollondilly is already going above and beyond to support the NSW Government in its push to address the housing crisis. We’re one of the fastest councils in Greater Sydney and NSW for determining Development Applications and o…
Feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal which has been lodged by Precise Planning Pty Ltd for Council’s assessment.
The Draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 by rezoning the land to enable additional housing. If supported, the proposal would enable the development of nine (9) lots with a minimum lot size of 3,000m2.
It seeks to do this by amending the land use zone, the minimum lot size, the natural resources b…
At the first Ordinary Meeting of the newly elected Council on Tuesday night, Councillors endorsed the 2024 State of the Shire Report, which highlighted the significant progress made to address community priorities from July 2022 to June 2024.
The 2024 State of the Shire Report outlines the implementation and effectiveness of Wollondilly’s Community Strategic Plan, part of Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.
Despite a shorter term, Council was able to effectively address the…
Council is inviting comments on the draft Greater Macarthur Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The draft Strategy seeks to put forward its position on the embedding of health and wellbeing in future development plans for Appin which was rezoned for delivering 12,900 dwellings by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. The Greater Macarthur growth area, includes Appin and is planned for 20,000 new homes and approximately 68,900 additional people.
This draft Strategy once adopted wil…
Council has received a draft planning proposal for land at No’s 730, 740 and 760 Montpelier Drive, The Oaks being Lot 2 DP 820370, Lot 1 DP 653294 and Lot 590 DP 1132419. The draft planning proposal is being notified to the community for comment from Wednesday 16 December 2015 until Friday 5 February 2016 (extra time allowed for Xmas-New Year period).
This Draft Planning Proposal is to amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2011, which is principal legislation that controls develop…
Council invites your comments on a planning proposal to remove land from the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 “Land Reservation Acquisition Map” identified for acquisition to form part of the Thirlmere Car Park.
This change requires an amendment to the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP 2011), which is the principal legislation that controls development and land use for the Wollondilly Shire local government area.
Location of Proposal
The planning proposal affects the fo…
Local Planning PanelWollondilly Shire Local Planning Panel (LPP) consists of independent qualified individuals, responsible for the determination of development applications and provide advice on planning proposals. Meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of each month commencing at 3.30pm within Council Chambers in the Wollondilly Shire Hall 44-60 Menangle Street, Picton.
Anyone who has lodged a submission to an application being considered by the LPP, will be notified of the date a…
To stop the degradation of the global environment we have to deal with the failings of global trade, namely its tendency to increase poverty and its exploitation of the weak. Buying products labelled 'Fairtrade' is a good start.
The Fairtrade collection of organisations has developed a Fairtrade Certification Mark. When you find a product that bears this mark, you know that it has been procured through a process that has helped deliver better trading conditions to marginalised produce…
The Community Participation Plan (CPP) was developed to provide the community with a clear process of how and when Council will engage with the community in relation to proposed development and plan making across the Shire, including mandatory requirements for public exhibition in relation to its planning functions.
The overarching aim of community participation is to gather feedback from the community on key strategic planning documents, planning proposals, and development applications to info…
Wollondilly 2040 is Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). It was made and came into effect on 27 March 2020.
The LSPS outlines the land use planning vision for Wollondilly over the next 20 years. This vision is for a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future for Wollondilly residents, with an enviable lifestyle of historic villages, modern living, rural lands and bush settings.
Wollondilly 2040 identifies key planning priorities and actions that focus on protect…
Wollondilly 2040 is Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). It was made and came into effect on 27 March 2020.
The LSPS outlines the land use planning vision for Wollondilly over the next 20 years. This vision is for a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future for Wollondilly residents, with an enviable lifestyle of historic villages, modern living, rural lands and bush settings.
Wollondilly 2040 identifies key planning priorities and actions that focus on protect…
Wollondilly Council has demonstrated its commitment to supporting the health and wellbeing of the local community with the adoption of the Wilton Health and Wellbeing Strategy at its September meeting.
The Strategy is the first of its kind and was developed in collaboration with South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD), who have partnered with Council to prioritise health in planning.
Mayor Robert Khan noted the importance of planning strategically to ensure the best possible health…
Australia Day 2025
Robin Davies Wollondilly Community Nursery Open Day
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced
Wollondilly’s Australia Day Celebrations 2025