Proposed changes to the Community Participation Plan (CPP) are designed to reduce the time and cost of minor, low-risk, complying development applications
Complex applications and those that are sensitive or involve potential significant impacts will continue to be publicly exhibited.
The Community Participation Plan (CPP) provides the community with a clear process of how and when Council will engage with the community in relation to proposed development and plan making across the Shire, incl…
Wollondilly Shire Council and the developer of the Cross Street Planning Proposal have negotiated a Draft Planning Agreement.
The Draft Planning Agreement has been prepared under Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to provide for the following:
Construction of public amenities;
Dedicate the land to the council; and
Pay monetary contributions of $1,119,600 to the council, which is to be applied towards funding public amenities and maintenance.
An Explanatory Note…
Engineer, inventor and technologist Professor Neil Weste has been announced as the 2021 Australia Day Ambassador for Wollondilly.
Professor Weste is the NSW Nominee for 2021 Senior Australian of the Year and was a key contributor in the development of Wi-Fi, making a significant impact in engineering excellence.
Wollondilly Mayor Robert Khan said, “Council and the community would like to welcome Professor Neil Weste as our Wollondilly Ambassador for 2021.”
“Professor Weste’s achievements are…
Developments within the shire have potential to impact people’s health and wellbeing – positively or negatively. To address this, Wollondilly Council has been piloting a process of Social & Health Impact Assessment (SHIA), which aims to identify, anticipate, understand and manage the social and health outcomes of a new development proposal, policy or plan.
This means applicants need to identify how their development or proposal might affect health and wellbeing within a community and pro…
Surrender of Consent Application
“Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation, 2000 Clause 97” changed to “Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation, 2021 Clause 68.
Application Form
Only the owner(s) may complete this form.
Privacy Policy
By completing this form you are enabling Wollondilly Shire Council to collect personal information about you for the purpose of assisting in the determination process of you application. This…
Council is making a number of improvements to its Development Information Service, and this week has launched a new online booking system which gives customers the opportunity to make an appointment with a Duty Planner, at a time that suits them, to discuss the development application process.
The new system will also provide customers with options to easily locate much of the information they would normally ask a Planner about.
Bookings for Duty Planners are increasing as the Wollondilly Shir…
Council is seeking comment on its Planning Proposal to amend the building height control for land at 6-8 Colden Street and 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton. The Planning Proposal will be on public exhibition from 15 June 2021 to 13 July 2021.
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP 2011) which is the principal legislation that controls development and planning decisions across most of the Wollondilly Local Government Area. This amendment seeks to in…
Wollondilly Council has approved upgrades to the Highway Service Centres at Pheasants Nest that will boost the local economy with the delivery of over 40 new job opportunities.
The proposal is also a win for tourists and regular travellers on the Hume Highway, providing modern facilities, an attractive landscaped area, shaded parking, dog off-leash areas, a truck driver’s lounge, a reconciliation garden and Remembrance Driveway Memorial.
Located approximately 70 kilometres south west of the Sy…
Wollondilly Council is committed to making the Wollondilly Shire a more inclusive and accessible place to live and work.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council endorsed the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2022-2026 to ensure ongoing support for people with disability and their carers to be involved fully in community life.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “With one in five people in Australia living with some form of disability, we want to make sure that that Council’s services, facilities and acti…
Wollondilly Shire Council is inviting to comment on the draft Wilton Growth Area Commercial Centres Study (Commercial Centres Study).
The draft Commercial Centres Study was commissioned by Council and has been undertaken to identify the employment and economic development potential of the Centres, and understand the demand, location, role and type of such centres required to support the future population of the Wilton Growth Area.
The Commercial Centres Study, once adopted, will provide guidan…
Feedback is invited on draft controls that will be included in Wollondilly Development Control Plan 2016 (DCP).
Amendments are proposed to the Wollondilly Development Control Plan 2016 to introduce new planning controls to guide the redevelopment of the Wollondilly Cultural Precinct at No 60 Menangle Street, Picton. The proposed controls are intended to ensure the precinct is sympathetic to its surrounds.
LOCATION OF PROPOSALThe Draft controls apply to the Wollondilly Cultural Precinct at 60…
Wollondilly Shire Council has received an offer to enter into a Planning Agreement in relation to Development Application DA/2023/1/1, for land at 69 Tahmoor Road, Tahmoor.
The Draft Planning Agreement has been prepared under Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and provides for the following:
Dedication of land at no cost to Council for use as a drainage reserve
Monetary contribution to Council applied towards the cost of maintaining the drainage reserve once Cou…
Our significant road repair program is on track, with reconstruction, heavy patching and drainage work across the Shire, and more works planned for the coming months to address priority issues. Our advocacy for roads funding is also gaining traction, with recent funding announcements giving us more resources to tackle the extensive road repairs needed across the Shire following our wettest year on record. The Wollondilly Cultural Precinct is being strongly utilised with the upgraded Shire Hall n…
Read more about "6 Month Progress Report on the Delivery Program"...At its meeting held on 23 February 2023, Council adopted amendments to Wollondilly Development Control Plan 2016 (DCP) for the Wollondilly Cultural Precinct in Menangle Street, Picton. A new Part 4.5A was added to Volume 5 of the DCP, containing standards and controls to guide new development in the Precinct; and to ensure that the precinct is sympathetic to its surroundings.
Further details are provided on the Your Say page.
The amendments to the DCP came into effect on 3 March 2023.
This n…
Wollondilly Shire Council has received an offer to enter into a Planning Agreement in relation to Development Application DA/2016/472, for land at 91-103 Menangle Street Picton.
The Draft Planning Agreement has been prepared under Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and provides for the following:
Dedication of 3,614 sqm of land adjoining Stonequarry Creek to Council.
An Explanatory Note has also been prepared in accordance with the Act to facilitate better under…
Australia Day 2025
Robin Davies Wollondilly Community Nursery Open Day
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced
Wollondilly’s Australia Day Celebrations 2025