Grey-headed Flying-fox
The Grey-headed Flying-fox is Australia’s largest bat. They occupy forest and woodland on the east coast of Australia.
Flying-fox camps are increasingly setting up near towns and people because of the loss of their
natural habitat and in response to local food availability. These camps can be challenging for the people that live near them.
Flying foxes are an important part of our ecosystem and are a protected species across Australia.
Conservation status
NSW – Vulnera…
Information to consider when planting trees on your property or in public spaces.
Planting Trees on Private PropertyIf you wish to plant trees on your private property you do not require approval to do so. We recommend planting native trees if possible.
Our Community Nursery provides five free native plants to Wollondilly Shire residents per quarter. See our Community Nursery page for further information.
When planting please consider:
How it may affect your neighbours
Future growth
Please ensure you have submitted the relevant application form prior to making payment.
Once your application form has been submitted, please call Council’s Customer Service team for payment on 4677 1100.
This form CANNOT be used for payments on:
Rates and Charges
Accounts Receivable/Debtors
Approval to Operate Septic Fees
Sundry Debts
Please use the payment options listed on your Rates and Charges Notice or Invoice or contact Council’s Revenue Team on (02) 4677 1100 for assistance.
You will be redirected to the Make a Payment page upon submission of this form. A fee of $35.50 is required with the submission of this form.
You can also download the PDF Form
Considerations for the installation and connection of plumbing and drainage.
Plumbing and drainage works on a property that is not connected to a Sydney Water town water supply and Sewer supply will require prior approval from Council. The required application is a Section 68 Application under the Local Government Act.
Frequently Asked Questions
Solid fuel home heaters are also known as ‘slow combustion heaters/ cookers’, ‘pot belly stoves’, ‘wood fire heaters’ or ‘tile fires’.
Approval is required from Council for the installation of a wood or oil fueled heater, under Section 68 of the Local Government Act, 1993. Wood heaters must be installed in accordance with the Australian Building Code and Australian Standard AS/NZS 2918 to ensure the safety of the house, its occupants and the environment.
If you already have a wood fire heater,…
Frequently asked questions about the approval and construction of farm dams.
What is a Farm Dam?Within the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 dams are defined as:
Water storage facility means a dam, weir or reservoir for the collection and storage of water, and includes associated monitoring or gauging equipment.
Note: water storage facilities are part of a water supply system, as defined in the Local Environment Plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of this policy is –
To provide a consistent approach in the assessment and approval process of on-site sewage management systems.
To ensure that new on-site management systems are only installed on sites that are suitable for effluent disposal.
To provide information to the community so they can make an informed decision on the most suitable method of effluent disposal for each particular site.
View the Draft On-Site Sewage Management and Greywater Re-Use Policy
The Draft On-Site S…
Wollondilly Shire Council declares with the approval of Her Excellency the Governor that the land described in the Schedule below is acquired by compulsory process in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purpose of a public road.
Lot 60 DP1268549 being part of…
Now on ExhibitionThe purpose of this policy is –
To provide a consistent approach in the assessment and approval process of on-site sewage management systems.
To ensure that new on-site management systems are only installed on sites that are suitable for effluent disposal.
To provide information to the community so they can make an informed decision on the most suitable method of effluent disposal for each particular site.
View the Draft On-Site Sewage Management and Greywater Re-Use Policy
Wollondilly residents can now look forward to a new village centre and commercial hub in the northern end of the Shire, with DA consent issued for a new $20m shopping centre in Silverdale.
This is an important stepping stone for the expansion of the Silverdale village centre; the culmination of a complex planning process which involved extensive collaboration between Council staff and the proponent’s design team.
The land was rezoned in recent years following Council’s decision to set a new st…
Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould will be seeking Council endorsement to advocate for Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) to urgently prioritise repairs to Barkers Lodge Road.
The Wollondilly Shire experienced record rainfall throughout March and April 2022 which triggered landslips and rockfalls across the Shire and caused significant damage to Council’s road infrastructure.
Barkers Lodge Road at Picton suffered major landslips during the series of intense storm events; and has subsequently o…
Domestic Waste Services Collection Contract Processing and Disposal Contract Processing and Disposal Contract Domestic Waste Services Collection Contract Processing and Disposal Contract Domestic Waste Processing and Disposal ContractsWe are partnering with the three other councils to make sure we get the best outcome and the best price on behalf of our communities. Waste costs are increasing considerably each year, due to the significant pressures on the waste processing sector…
Read more about "Processing and Disposal Contract"...Greater Macarthur Growth Area Updates Council's Position Further Information Further Information Greater Macarthur Growth Area Updates Council's Position Further Information Ministerial Media ReleaseGreater Macarthur Growth Area gets tick of approval Greater Macarthur 2040 documentsGreater Macarthur Growth Area - Department of Planning and Environment Council's Position on Greater MacarthurSee Planning Priority 3 of Wollondilly 2040 Local Planning Statement Gre…
Read more about "Further Information"...Wollondilly Shire Council has reopened the federally funded Dangerous Tree Removal Program to assist residents whose properties were impacted by the Green Wattle Creek bushfire.
Wollondilly Council received funding in June 2022 to assist affected residents to remove dangerous trees through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program. Council has re-opened the funding until 30 March 2023, with works to be completed by 30 June 2023.
The Program provides one-off fina…
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Frog and Tadpole Study Group Talk
Composting and Worm Farming Workshop
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Winners
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced