Council has welcomed the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s (IPART) draft assessment of the Appin Contributions Plan which was released yesterday for public comment.
Council’s draft Appin Contributions Plan (Plan) meets 28 of 35 assessment criteria.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “This is good news for Council and the community. It’s a plan to provide $1.5 billion of vital local infrastructure, such as new parks, community facilities, local roads, cycleways and stormwater management…
“I would like to reassure community members that Council is not changing our policy or approach to dog breeding across the Shire.
Council has always adopted a common sense approach to the management and control of animal breeding, based upon fairness and an understanding that this is a recreational hobby enjoyed by many residents.
Ultimately the NSW Government sets the rules on what’s allowable and of course our approach must be balanced against the legislative requirement for Council to invest…
A re-imagined vision for the town of Picton was on the agenda when Wollondilly Council considered the proposed Picton Place Plan at last night’s Council meeting.
The plan has now been approved for Public Exhibition, with residents having the opportunity to give their feedback on the future direction of the town.
With the Wollondilly Community Cultural and Civic Precinct identified in Council’s 20 year land use vision for the Shire, Wollondilly 2040, Picton’s role is emerging as a vibrant, st…
Wollondilly Shire Council authorised the public notification at its 20 April 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting of a Draft Planning Agreement (VPA) for land at 27 Oaks Street, Thirlmere; Penny Lane Car Park; and the adjoining land in between owned by Council.
Note as part of the notification process that Council does not implicitly or explicitly support the VPA.
The associated development approved is for a mixed use retail/residential building. The approval includes the construction of an at-grade…
The Sydney Peri Urban Network (SPUN) represents twelve Councils that border metropolitan Sydney. SPUN was established in 2013 in response to concerns about the lack of a comprehensive vision for the peri urban region and consists of the following Councils:
Aim:SPUN is a leader in advocating for peri urban issues at the state and national level.
Vision:Sydney and surrounding regions' Peri Urban Council areas are recognised as being part of New South Wales solution for managing growth while…
Travel and work with local communities to protect endangered species, enhance the local environment and support the social and economic wellbeing of the communities we visit.
Often we pass through a country without ever sitting down with a local, understanding their life and lending a hand. Spending time to assist the local people in the developing world, to survive, rebuild or protect their natural wilderness is a precious gift and can be an unforgettable experience.
How to do it now!
The Development Application Guide provides a step-by-step overview of the Development Application process.
DA Pack
Download the Lodging a Development Application Information Pack which can be used to start most DA's.
Development Application Guide
Council is currently reviewing the planning controls in the Wollondilly Development Control Plan that guide the development of residential flat buildings.
The review includes proposed amendments to the following sections in the development control plan:
Part 3.19 – ‘Residential Flat Buildings’ under Volume 4 – ‘Residential Developments’; and
Part 4.8 – ‘R3 zoned land at Thirlmere’ under Volume 4 – ‘Residential Developments’.
The proposed amendments seek to achieve better urban design, landscap…
Your feedback is invited on Draft Development Controls for the North Silverdale Commercial Lands.
The proposed controls apply to the following land that was rezoned from B1 Neighbourhood Centre and RU2 Rural Landscape to B2 Local Centre and B4 Mixed Use in April 2020:
Lot 199 DP 1092447 (No. 2320 Silverdale Road, Silverdale)
Part of Lot 200 DP 1092447 (No. 2316 Silverdale Road, Silverdale)
Part of Lot 10 DP 38123 (No. 2300 Silverdale Road, Silverdale).
The land was rezoned to enable an expansi…
Wollondilly Council is inviting feedback on our Draft Policy – Managing Conflicts of Interest with Council Related Development, which aims to provide a framework for dealing with development applications in relation to Council-related development or where a staff member or Councillor is the applicant. The policy establishes principles for action where a potential conflict of interest arises and sets out the statutory and legislative requirements for Council to meet its governance and probity re…
Read more about "Draft Policy - Managing Conflicts of Interest with Council Related Development"...Wollondilly Shire Council will advocate to maintain existing protections for Wollondilly’s rural lands in the face of pressure from developer lobbyists calling for the removal of these protections, potentially opening up more agricultural land for housing.
At November’s Council meeting, Mayor Matt Gould expressed his deeply held concerns about recent comments from the Urban Taskforce Australia calling on the State Government to ignore the critically important Metropolitan Rural Area (MRA) and t…
Solid fuel home heaters are also known as ‘slow combustion heaters/ cookers’, ‘pot belly stoves’, ‘wood fire heaters’ or ‘tile fires’.
Approval is required from Council for the installation of a wood or oil fueled heater, under Section 68 of the Local Government Act, 1993. Wood heaters must be installed in accordance with the Australian Building Code and Australian Standard AS/NZS 2918 to ensure the safety of the house, its occupants and the environment.
If you already have a wood fire heater,…
Grey-headed Flying-fox
The Grey-headed Flying-fox is Australia’s largest bat. They occupy forest and woodland on the east coast of Australia.
Flying-fox camps are increasingly setting up near towns and people because of the loss of their
natural habitat and in response to local food availability. These camps can be challenging for the people that live near them.
Flying foxes are an important part of our ecosystem and are a protected species across Australia.
Conservation status
NSW – Vulnera…
Information to consider when planting trees on your property or in public spaces.
Planting Trees on Private PropertyIf you wish to plant trees on your private property you do not require approval to do so. We recommend planting native trees if possible.
Our Community Nursery provides five free native plants to Wollondilly Shire residents per quarter. See our Community Nursery page for further information.
When planting please consider:
How it may affect your neighbours
Future growth
Please ensure you have submitted the relevant application form prior to making payment.
Once your application form has been submitted, please call Council’s Customer Service team for payment on 4677 1100.
This form CANNOT be used for payments on:
Rates and Charges
Accounts Receivable/Debtors
Approval to Operate Septic Fees
Sundry Debts
Please use the payment options listed on your Rates and Charges Notice or Invoice or contact Council’s Revenue Team on (02) 4677 1100 for assistance.
Australia Day 2025
Robin Davies Wollondilly Community Nursery Open Day
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced
Wollondilly’s Australia Day Celebrations 2025